The logos, 'the chrysalis of chrysolite' and 'the logos kiss'.
The logos desecrated by James Joyce in 'Finnegans Wake', is rebuilt by Christ and Andrew, on
foot pilgrimage to Walsingham and Our Lady's shrine, exchanging the words pax vobiscum
with each other before Geoffrey Chaucer, author of 'The Canterbury Tales'. Andrew must attain
purity of heart, to kiss the logos into April's heart, so that the two minds of 'the library' and 'the librarian', fuse and meld, into the purified yellow letter alphabet of More's gold, and the letters
of a new gospel, washing away "riverrun" Joyce, 'Finnegans Wake', and the Age of Chaos.
And, I looked
Beyond Dame Canon, to see the beaming
Face of Geoffrey Chaucer, he, all Christmastide
Jovial, and, bearded, with 'The Canterbury Tales'
Within his arms. And Jesus: 'As I did say, to
Assisi Francis of the birds: Rebuild my church,
I say to you, my beloved Marianised, Adonai
Exile, 'rebuild my logos'. And, if you accomplish
This for me, let it be complete, this logos anchoress pearl.
And that imago, image, mater dei, you will witness in Palestine'.
And, at that, he took my hand, and our hands touched:
'Pax vobiscum'. 'Pax vobiscum'.
'Three quarks for Must Mark! Three quarks for
Muster Mark! Three quarks for Muster Mark!', I cried.
'As that particle Higgs boson, is at debate, and will be
Found, that large Hadron Collider, be my Muster Mark,
That, I might have life again, as when those fingers,
Adam and Almighty, did spark-touch,
In the Chapel Sistine, in the Vatican
In Rome, I touch you, that I might be
Inheld again as Logos, within my mother's
Womb, by Utopia and Hebraicum'. And at
That again: 'I will walk, the via crucis again,
Now, Andrew, and I will see you again, in
Firenze, that the last unamen rites, might be
Heard for Finnegan, and the Son of Man,
Jesus Christ Logos, ego, sweetest greyhound, might have eternal life'.
'But Dante, how can that be? Christs's Logos, can be kissed by no man; for only the sweet breath of Jesus the Nazarene, can kiss, his holy Logos into the heart of womankind?'
'The Christ Colloquy', Book I Commedia, Canto XV, 105-109, Grattan.
Andrew 'of the wood' and Dante discussing matrimony in Dante's Inferno as it is, in 2013.
In the first canto of Book VII, 'Cielo', Spenser's 'bower of bliss', in 'The Faerie Queene', is contrasted specifically, with the spiritual perfection of 'the chrysalis of chrysolite'. Their perfect, sublime, and unique union, is purely a spiritual one, Andrew and April, having
been chosen and selected, by the Holy Spirit, to parallel St. Benedict and St. Scholastica, as
a married couple, preparing themselves for ascesis. Separated, after university studies at King's College, London and University College, London, they existed, within 'The Cloud
of Unknowing', although guided by the Holy Spirit and the prayers of Vocatio. Their new life together, begins as a modern rapprochement with Walter Hilton's, 'The Scale of Perfection', as they form two, new religious orders, the Vinians and the Aprilians, and become saints together, as they prepare for the wedding feast of the Lamb, and eternal life
in Heaven's 'manger of light'. The logos kiss, creates the new literary gospel, in the conjunction, of two perfect lives, the transmission, of two perfect, mirroring curricula vitarum, and two, unique, complementing intellects and dispositions, as, above all, 'the greyhound and Child', take their place above Dante and Beatrice, but below Mary and Joseph, upon whose perfect example, the Holy Spirit, instructs them to base their marriage, offering a complete contrast to Austen's worldly Darcy and Elizabeth in the novel, 'Pride and Prejudice'.
Morning, dawned over the grey-flecked Arno,
Where, the grey waves, wave and wander, and,
Humpbacked, spumes of froth, of snorted reams
Of white frothed fountainry, arise, like the head
Of Melville's Moby Dick, from the oceans.
And, Paris, looked to his Helen, Paola, to his
Francesca, Adam to his Eve; and, Andrew
Awoke to April, in the chrysalis of chrysolite,
To see his wife, his queen, and his life, in
The chrysalis, wrought, by voluntas dei,
Of Christ, the chrysalis of Christ, a sugarous
Ball, of nectarous confection, the vines and
Taut twine hemp, of, the rigging of Galilee,
Platted and twined, sugar crystal sphere of
Balling spherical happiness, anti-type, to that
Debauched bower of Spenser's too digressive
'Fairie Queene', where, the tears of Desdemona
Had fallen on the harp strings of Heaven, and
The lachrymose crystals, bled from the eye
Of Saint Benedict, had bonded with them,
To form, sugarous confection molasses
Of the airy delightful delectating boat of
Happy shipsped godsped, the light of Christ,
The light of God's goodness, in they
Of a pure and holy monk, intent on his
Woodwork, and preservation of his
Mortal soul, in his habit and hood-work
A night of enarming, Christ-willed union, as when,
The pink and the colourless lips, had scattered
A thousand kisses, over the reciprocating
Mouths of the unstar-crossed lovers, the
Solar system's darlings of horoscope tangential,
The gemini twins of April and April, the
Baby lambs of the library, bibliography and
Index cards; and the arms of Hero and Leander,
Were rendered undialogued, to the monologue
Of Christian Unity; and a million unsubdued
Kisses, had scatttered miniscules and maiscules,
Over his heart, where, she had graciosuly ended
Her work of divine agency, that last nocturne, when
She had kissed the words into him, that, he would
Set down, into marrigae contract codex, of their
Holy New Gospel Book, of Library and Librarian
His work of divine inspiration, this new morning, when
He had kissed the logos into her, that, she would
Set down, into canonical book industry: Andrew&April:
'The Christ Colloquy' ; 'Colloquium Christus'
'Colloquium Christus' ; 'The Christ Colloquy'
'The Christ Colloquy' ; 'Colloquium Christus'.
And, as, the descending dove, had flown down,
From, on high, to caw above the crystalline waters,
Breath of the libraray book breath, at the altar rail,
Of the Firenze duomo, when Jesus the eternal Priest, had wed them,
Had pushed her unparted lips against his, to create and electric
Field storm, of dry lip touch, as, when her lips had met his,
The unbitter dry of Vocatio's kiss upon his cheek,
Of Easter morning, to be ratified, by double
Felicity of her called sister, the Judas kiss undone, and,
Beehive industry of the constellation, in swarming,
Warming air of Pentecost, and warm lungery,
When, unparted lips touched fecund-fruitful.
And, the unparsimonious sparrow, blessing
Providential and benificent, in Pentecostal
Room of their joining mouths, tessellated
Black and white crossword floor-work, Sollom's
British Institute tiles, guelf and ghibelline, to
Create an alphabet of capitals and letters, to create,
The new language, beyond the pottage of the 'Wake',
Glorious gloss, of the Logos, God's spell, God's Gospel,
Codex Sinaiticus and Vaticanus, delectation, swarming
Nest-work, as when the chicks are fed by worms, from
The mother's beak, an eagle nestle lair, high above
Floozy Rome, above the caves of Nursia, had been,
That chamber last night, and the Child, had birthed
Inspiration in the greyhound, and, the queen bee,
Had fed, her husband undrone deliciously, with the
Manna loaves of Heaven, and, the honeycomb
Of, the logos-host of a holy communion,
Formed, in his mouth, and, he surged it back
Into her, alacritously, to wrap, up the ravelled
Sleeve of their dual canon care and nurture,
And, enrapture each other in the logos kiss,
Of sweet logos kiss: John the Baptist's honey, and
Locusts, and until, the utopian gold, of, that,
Golden vade-mecum book, Thomas More's 'Utopia',
Book bold, that pliability, and serviceability,
Had been pushed back nto her mouth,
Agency, responding to, inspiration, the new
Divine, responding to the divine, to wash,
The sea incarnadine, making the green one
Red. And, they were wrapped in each other's
Arms, in harmless union of arms, kiss-joined.
And, the kiss, at the altar rail, had been
Resolved in the dissolve, of that issue, the
Morning dew, creational Westermann Genesis knowledge,
And, golden words, of gold gilden, Baptist honey, had been
Formed in their mouths, to form, a colloquy, via medium, of,
Divine agency and divine inspiration, Nonsuch and Edward
Grammars and UCL & KCL, London, Paris, Berlin and Florence,
And, London, Lourdes, Rome and Florence, pink and black,
Dante and Beatrice, no more, fully subsumed and eclipsed,
By the greyhound and Child...
'The Christ Colloquy', Book VII Cielo, Canto I, I-102, Grattan.