- chrysolite -
'Know, that in the dialysis of the divine will,
Know, it is a most good will, that Altissimi cantus
And, In Praeclara Summorum, be full rescinded now.
For, a singular chrysolite heart of Christ-love, my Son Jesus'
Genius, will cause fresh issue, new encyclicals and documents,
Editrice Vaticana, from a Soubirous wellspring soul;
And, my suffering servant, the hunting hound, I myself, will
​​Set loose upon the earth, to hunt for veritas et verbum'.
'The Christ Colloquy' Book V Mary Canto II: 40-47, Grattan.
Our Lady, in conversation with April, the flower girl of Heaven, in Paradise, personally inaugurating, the genesis of 'the greyhound', a
man who will be born, with the same sensibility as Dante, enabling an experience of courtly love, again, in Florence, at 'the pilgrim' age of 35.