'Accipio, et iterum, accipio, new disciple, new evangelist, for
Tu es Andreas, et super hanc petram, aedificabo Evangelium meum novum.
And I receive you, in memory of Thomas More, my novice,
I, Abbot Jesus, in nomine St. Benedict, white one, white wood.
I bless you, I shrive you, I cleanse you; and I return you, to that
Immaculate state, of honey sweetness, that you knew, in my
Immaculate Mother's church, before you entered in innocence,
The dark wood'.
'The Christ Colloquy' Book VI Jesus, Canto XLVII: 143--150, Grattan.
Jesus receives Andrew, beside his tomb, in the garden of Gethsemane, at 3pm, on Easter Sunday afternoon, 2013.
'Kneel, Greyhound', and I knelt, before my Lord and Master.
'Save my Church, save my Church, feed my unfed sheep, you
Who live for truth and virtue. For, body of my Temple, holy
Mother Church, has been abused and fractured, and Ixthus says,
Walk in the Ravenna shoes. For, Benedict and Dominic, too copious
Weep in Heaven, for hollow followers, who have no gospel, in their
Sleek and reedy throats'. And pulling apart, the diaphanous fabric,
Jesus revealed to me, His Sacred Heart. 'Colloquy with me, Veltro,
Love me, obey me, and rebuild my Church, in Italia and in the world,
Through me, with me, and in me, I, Christ-Logos. For, dark church
Sin, has torn the temple cloth, in two again, and I bid you, like the
Baptist, to elide sweet locust logoi for my Francis, of the Jubilee Year'.
​Jesus wept. And, 'Yes, my Saviour', I soft said.
'The Christ Colloquy' Book VI Jesus Canto XLVIII: 141--153, Grattan.
Christ receives Andrew, Dante's greyhound, and personally commissions a "sixth gospel", 'The Christ Colloquy', in the garden of Gethsemane, beside his tomb, at the hour of the Crucifixion, on Easter Sunday afternoon, 2013.